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Friday, October 17, 2014


The training I offer is organized into three parts: beginners, intermediate and advanced.

The beginner section contains all the basic knowledge needed for further learning French scribing. The main objective of this section is to help students acquire the spatial vision and the discovery of the main methods used in "le trait" to be able to determine all the cuts necessary to perform a work of carpentry.
"La herse" (real surface), hip rafter, valley rafter, purlin rafter and jack rafter cuts.

The intermediate part of this study deepens the study of more complex structures.

The advanced part will reach to the most complex part of the French scribing: 

- “le dévers” (rotated timbers) 

- “le croche” (curved timbers).

During this training course you will learn about three techniques used in French carpentry scribing:
- "le rembarrement" (see here what this is)
- "la sauterelle" (see here what this is)
- "l'alignement", which is a mix of the two other methods. (only to advanced)

If you know absolutely nothing about the French Scribing process, be sure to start with the beginner section.

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