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Friday, October 17, 2014


My purpose with this blog is to help non-French speaking people to understand our French Timber Framing Traditional Scribing system.

This system called “le trait” or “l’art du trait” is inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, by UNESCO, since 2009.

 “..Scribing is a combination of the graphic processes used in France since the thirteenth century that make it possible to express accurately through the design the actual volumes of a building, its interlocking, and the characteristics of the wooden components…
..Through this process, the carpenter can determine all the components before they are built, however complex they are, and thus be sure that all the assemblies will fit together perfectly when the timber frame is built

The purpose of this blog is to teach you the art of scribing as it was relayed to me by my elders.


  1. Hello Michel,
    I very much appreciate your decision to write your blog in english now. I'm searching the internet regulary for informations about the french scribing system, but unfortunaly there are only a few bits here and there available. And in the most time the informations given were not very practical. (or in french) Now it seems there is light at the end of the tunnel :) I'm really locking forward for the things to come and you definitely will have at least one reader who follow your posts. I would sort myself as 'intermediate', but all of your coming blog entrys are very much welcome. My main concern are the techniques for scribing irregular timber, because I can't find any useful informations about that (in a language I understand ;) ). I hope that you write about this techniques in the future too. For now, thank you very much for your time and your declared intention to bring your knowledge to a wider audience.
    Greetings from Germany

  2. Hello Marc,
    if you mean that kind of thing: http://www.tourisme-midi-pyrenees.com/musee-des-compagnons/montauban/tabid/2271/offreid/8f8b6455-dbfe-4679-bccf-0b7a30d1d6ce/detail.aspx
    yes I will.
    Do not forget to suscribe if you want to kept informed of the new publications of new articles.

  3. That is exactly what was in my mind when I gave you the link. I will explain step by step how to do that.
